
Rose Paquet, PhD.
Born and raised in French-speaking Belgium, I have spent my adult life living in diverse landscapes and communities across the U.S. These experiences have deeply shaped me, and I carry great care and respect for the land, the people, and the stories that weave them together across time.
I currently run my consultancy from the mountains of Northern California where I live and am an apprentice on a regenerative homestead and farm. Here, I also share a studio practice with my creative partner, am a student of Reiki, and enjoy daily walks in the forest with my dog.
As an independent public scholar, artist, and consultant, I queer disciplinary boundaries to cultivate fresh perspectives and activate 'possibilities for becoming' (Akomolafe, 2022). Along with Margaret Atwood (2020) and adrienne maree brown (2017), I believe we are active participants in this process of becoming, of co-creating our future; and that there are a myriad of possible futures rather than one future we are doomed to enact.
I support processes of envisioning and enacting possibilities that center belonging, reverence for all beings, co-creation, and inclusive transformation.
Bayo Akomolafe: https://forthewild.world/podcast-transcripts/dr-bayo-akomolafe-on-coming-alive-to-other-senses-300
Atwood, M. (2020, March 17). Margaret Atwood says the future depends on what we do now. CBC.
Brown, a.m. (2017). Emergent Strategies: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds. Chico, CA: AK Press.